How to Get Things Done.
Busy is a mindset
Lazy is the new goal
Delegate your freedom
Within this self coaching tool we empower you to build your system to get things done.
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1. Declutter
Busy is a mindset and often just a way of showing you have a lot going on. This doesn’t mean that what you do is effective. You can be busy all day and not get anything done.
To be able to be efficient you first need to know where you want to be. After that you need to understand what brings you closer to your goal and what takes you further away from it.
Take a page of paper, turn it into landscape and draw a straight line on the bottom. Write number 1 on the far left and number 10 on the far right below your straight line.
Now draw a Quadrat in the top right corner of your page and write what your single most important thing is that you want to get in order.
Evaluate how far you are from achieving it right now. Use the line where 10 means you have achieved your outcome and 1 means you haven’t done anything.
Which number would you give your situation today?
Mark the number with a big dot on the line and write the number above it.
Draw a straight line from the 0 of our line to the corner of your Quadrat.
Start brainstorming in the upper left quadrant write down all the actions that will bring you closer to achieving your result. And in the lower right quadrant you write all actions that bring you further away from achieving your result.
Take a minute and reflect on what you have written down.
2. Build a system
A well organised system is your way to get lazy instead of busy.
Lazy is not a bad thing, it often means you do the minimum work to get things done.
Take a page, turn it into landscape and draw a big rectangle on it. Draw another smaller rectangle inside. Add lines from the outer corners of the inner rectangle to the outside so you end up with 5 rectangles in total
In the middle you add the self analyzed canvas from step 1.
Write on the left quadrant INPUT as header and brainstorm all things that regularly come onto your table or are somehow demanding your time and effort. (Meetings, processes, recurring tasks, etc.)
Write in the upper section EXTERNAL INFLUENCES as a header and brainstorm all external influences that keep you from doing things. (People, culture, perceived rules, articulated rules, demand from your manager, etc.)
Write in the lower section PERSONAL REFERENCES as a header and brainstorm all topics you love to do and you really get energy from.
Now write into the right quadrant OUTPUT. Before writing anything into it have a look at the totality and use the self analysis tool in the middle as a filter system.
What do you allow to let go through that filter?
3. Delegate
Sometimes it is not possible to get rid of all the tasks you don’t get energy from. So you need to find a way to increase your effectiveness through delegation.
Take a sheet of paper and draw 2 rectangles on it.
Into one you write DO and add all topics from your system you will do yourself
Into the other rectangle you write Delegate and add all topics from your system you will delegate to a 3rd person
In the space below the rectangles you write how and to whom you will delegate the tasks from the delegate box.
We know out of our own experiences that it is often easier to do the things yourself rather than delegating them. Because you lose control and it takes effort to delegate. But take the time and see it as an investment into your future, you will see how easy it gets when you do it more regularly.
Now you are set up to get things done.
Other self coaching tools that might be interesting to you:
Getting things done through a systematic approach will help you to increase your effectiveness.
Leaders are good at getting things done; they trust and support while using a system to delegate and coordinate.
Any thoughts or experiences on your side? Let us know in the comments at the end of the page.
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