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The self coaching story tool—inspired by Hugh Jackman

This self coaching tool is inspired by the actor Hugh Jackman who sends his story daily to his personal coach.

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  • Learn to tell stories

  • Learn to set realistic goals

  • Keep yourself accountable

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1. The Morning

    1. Write down the Story of your day  (past tense)

      • What happened, what did you achieve, whom did you make happy, how did you do that, etc.

        • In case you are into losing weight: Add what you ate. 

        • In case you are into sports: Add how much sport you did and how it went.

    2. Send it to someone you trust (your trust buddy) and ask her/him to keep you accountable for it

2. The Evening

  1. Read your story again

  2. Rate how your day went compared to your story 

    • Rating 1-4 (1 far off 4 spot on)

  3. Reflect on your rating and write down some comments

    • What did you learn, what kept you from achieving your day goals, how do you repeat successfully what you learned, etc.

  4. Send your reflections and rating again to your trust buddy

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Storytelling leadership:

To be an inspirational leader you have to be able to tell stories. If you get used to doing storytelling on a daily basis in a safe environment,  it will help you to get better in it.

Goal setting:

It is important to learn to set realistic but stretched goals and keep yourself accountable to achieve them day in day out. With this method you teach yourself to reach your goals, be realistic and inspirational.

Inspired by:

Here Hugh Jackmans version explained in the podcast  interview with Tim Ferris https://tim.blog/2020/06/30/hugh-jackman-transcript/

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