Heitland Innovation

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But when is the right time to innovate?

Find your process , decide on your mindset and focus on just one habit to innovate.

In this blogpost I will cover:

  • Process of innovation

  • Mindset of innovation

  • Habits in innovation

Find your process of innovation:

There are hundreds if not thousands of books out there who describe the different processes of how you should innovate. There you will find which steps you should take and all the details you need to know to succeed. This is why I will not go into the rabbit holes of technical innovation processes that way.

For me innovation starts with people, everything you do in any way to innovate has to do with people. With people who use the innovation, build it, programit, finance it and more. And if there are people involved there are needs, dreams and desires of the people who want to be fulfilled and met by engaging with it.

If you follow any process that continuously meets the ever changing needs, dreams and desires of the people, you will innovate. You will put things out, learn from your mistakes and most importantly listen to the people who are willing to buy your product and or service. As better and efficient you do this, as faster you learn and better fulfill their needs and dreams.

Mindset of innovation:

If you don’t believe you will be able to change things up. E.g. Reinvent your company’s business model, product ways of working etc.. Why would you even start?

That is why it starts with you and believing in yourself. 

Believing in what you can do to achieve or influence something at some point in the future.

Then it goes beyond yourself into understanding the different mindsets of all the people connected to you, your work and your innovation. What do the others think? How do they feel about your innovation? What makes them tick in certain ways? Why could they be for or against something? What are their dreams and aspirations?

Using all of this knowledge about yourself and the other “players” will give you an understanding on what you can or should do to get things moving.

Habits in innovation:

For a lot of managers in established companies it is not common to openly say:

“I have failed”, “I do not know this” or “I did this wrong”.

Why is this? 

In the old days, you as a manager had to be strong, you needed to know everything and had to be better, faster… than everyone who worked “below you”.


Yes I know, old dinosaur companies are still around and a lot of people act in that way because they think it is expected of them. Or they just have never had a manager who was a good example to them so where should they know it from.

That’s why I would like to focus on only one habit that will help you to innovate.

Say “SORRY”:

Sorry, I don’t know this. Could you please explain your thoughts?

Sorry, I did this wrong and that had XYZ unintended consequences. Any idea how to fix this? How would you have done this differently?

Sorry, but I’m not an expert in this. But I am happy to learn and help you with what I know about it.

The right time for innovation:

Innovation doesn't happen overnight. Innovation is a process that requires time and dedication. A mindset that allows you to grow and at least one habit that enables others to collaborate with you in an open and trusted way.

So when is the right time to innovate?

It is always right now! 

Focus on people, listen to them day in and day out and never stop.

Be brave and believe in yourself and other people around you.

Say sorry, be honest and humble and be a connector of people.

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