Company culture the autopilot of your organisation.

Why does culture eat strategy for breakfast?


Without a company culture that empowers your employees to use change as an opportunity you will face challenges when your business gets under pressure.

Company Culture

Company culture are the behaviours you experience with employees inside and outside the organisation. It is not the behaviour that are prescribed by company rules or managers. Think of it as the behaviour of the team when the manager is not in town. The unwritten rules, the ways of approaching specific challenges, the possibility to talk openly to each other and the way communication just happens.

Culture is not build over night, but is one of the most important parts to react to challenges from outside your organisation.

Why starting backwards is the new forward.

Start by thinking which behaviour you would like to experience from your employees. What are the stories you would like to listen to from your customers and business partners. Look into what need to come true for your employees to behave in the way that produces the experience you seek. Involve your employees straight away in the process, they will help you to figure it out.

Leadership builds culture.

After you explored what need to change to create the company culture of your dreams, the hard work starts. Start with yourself, be the best imaginable example for everyone in your company. Get your leaders to reflect your behaviors. Celebrate behaviours that get the organisation closer to the dream and eliminate behaviours that don’t.

What gets measured gets done.

Set visionary goals and track the metrics that enable the change. Make the metrics available so that everyone in the company knows where the company culture is at.

Sounds easy?


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