The Entrepreneurs F*ck Up Night

Learn from the failures of other Entrepreneurs

Next live show

December 1st

Livestream on LinkedIn, Facebook and YouTube

6pm Berlin | 9am Los Angeles | 12pm New York



December 1st


Dennis Luijer

Owner of Visually yours, Co-founder of the Event Design Collective GmbH, CO-founder & Product engine at Ai-fortuna (an Applied Innovation Experience Company)


Mika Goeckel

CEO and founder of meta:proc GmbH

Robotic Process Automation - made in Germany

Want to join us as a speaker in one of the future shows?

The Show

The Stories

The Hosts

Can Adiguzel


Can has left his decade-long career in engineering to follow his passion for Digitalization. He is the founder of 360 Digital Transformation, where they help SMEs to optimize, digitalize and automate their business processes. They also help companies to get their TISAX Certifications. Their mission is to empower Mittelstand against enterprises.

More about Can:

LinkedIn: Can Adiguzel

Podcast: The Digital Mittelstand



Jens Heitland


I am first and foremost a Connector.

I am a catalyst of change and applied innovation and this in different functions. As Entrepreneur, Podcast and Show Host, Founder, Investor and Co-founder of several businesses.

My mission is to connect the innovators of the world and facilitate interactions that let them shine. So we all enable businesses to solve the challenges our world is facing.

More about Jens:

Linkedin: Jens Heitland
