“Innovation happens when Managers choose to be leaders”

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One of the biggest challenge for companies is to refresh their lost innovation culture. Well established companies got successful over time because of their great leaders from the past. Often they lose the innovation and entrepreneurial spirit because of that success.

The following symptoms might sound familiar if you miss the innovation spirit in your company:

  • You focus on well established and proven processes.

  • You work in well protected silos and get measured on KPIs that you can’t influence.

  • You don’t meet your frontline employees on a daily or weekly base to feel how it is to serve your customers directly.

  • You don’t talk with your customers

You as a manager can bring your organisation back to innovate on a daily base.

Focus on leadership not on management.

Leaders are followed by people who feel empowered not by managers who delegate tasks. Put yourself into the shoes of your employees and think what you would like to hear from your manager. How would you like to feel going to work every day.

Innovation is no magic, it is hard work combined with your leadership skills and the willingness to step back and let your employees shine.


Working on it Podcast interview with Jens Heitland