The Mindset of Innovation.

Innovation takes time. You can only see its effects over time, so you need to step back and see a bigger picture.

Aga Szostek & Lukasz Szostek interviewing Jens Heitland Founder & CEO of Heitland Innovation GmbH

Catching the next wave

Original text of the Podcast introduction:

How to do so? In the conversation with Jens Heitland, a former Head of Innovation at IKEA Centres and now a business innovation designer at Fjord, we investigate how to create a powerful innovation team and what its role is in your organisation (and it is not one to create more innovation). We discuss the criticality of the innovation mindset and the importance of having a powerful North Star to ensure you are going in the same direction. We also talk about the need to get your hands dirty (not only on the operational level but also in the executive one) and the importance of good measurement.

Please find the podcast interview here


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