Innovation vs Adaptation


Who wins in a world where businesses are challenged by a spreading virus?

Is there a win at all? In the past we looked at disruption. Which technology or startup changed customer behaviours so that a whole industry had to adapt. Today in May 2020 we face a time where businesses who can adapt fast are better off than others.

But what makes you adaptable as a company?

If we just look into the countries that took fast decisions and actions, that have managed to stop the exponential spread of the virus early on. It is down to the leaders who took decisions. They haven’t known the right steps, they haven’t had all the right data, but they decided quickly, acted directly and course correct on the way.

You as a leader have the possibility to decide, act and course correct on a daily base. Yes maybe your decisions might be little smaller than shutting down a whole country, but nevertheless you have the same possibility.

What does this have to do with innovation?

Innovation is a process. A process that trains you and your business to take decisions, act and course correct continuously. If you as a leader embed this thinking into your daily business you will empower your company to adapt and innovate on the go.


The Mindset of Innovation.


Working on it Podcast interview with Jens Heitland